This is a great article that discusses the approach that must be followed to achieve lasting benefits for fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue.

My Opinion As It Relates To Fibromyalgia & Chronic Fatigue

Healthy Aging Medical Centers. Go to: Home; AntiAging Medicine. Hormone Replacement · For Men · What is Testosterone? Over the years I have seen patients complaining of generalized pain and fatigue. The traditional medical doctor will diagnose FIBROMYALGIA and begin you on BIG PHARMA drugs like CYMBALTA (anti-depressant) of course FDA approved for this condition or LYRICA (nerve drug) of course FDA approved for this diagnosis. Both of these



This article discusses the link between fibromyalgia and inflammation.

Fibromyalgia, Inflammation, and the Inflammatory Response – Dr

Dr. Hellen Greenblatt – Anti-Inflammatory/AntiAging Strategies Some studies have shown, that compared to the general population, individuals with fibromyalgia have significantly higher levels of depression and anxiety.


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