It is a broad consensus today that scoliosis curves cannot be improved through bracing, and the Scoliosis Research Society (SRS) methodological criteria for bracing have the avoidance of progression as their only objective. Consequently, in curves more than 45°, fusion is considered as basically the only possible treatment.

The purpose of the study was to verify in a series of patients who utterly refused surgery if it was possible to achieve improvements of scoliosis of more than 45° through a complete conservative treatment (bracing and exercises). Outcomes included self-report measurement: SRS-22; physiological measures: Cobb degrees, Bunnell angle of trunk rotation (ATR), aesthetic index (AI), and sagittal plumb line distances.

The methods comprised full-time treatment (23 or 24 hours per day) for 1 year with Risser cast, Lyon, or Sforzesco brace; weaning of 1 to 2 hours every 6 months; with strategies to maximize compliance through the Society on Scoliosis Orthopaedic and Rehabilitation Treatment (SOSORT) management criteria applied and specific scientific exercises approach to scoliosis exercises (SEAS) performed.

Improvements have been found in 71% of patients and a 5° Cobb progression in one patient. Statistically, we found highly significant reductions of the main (-9.25°), average (-6.6°), thoracic (-7.8°), and lumbar (-15.9°) curves. Statistically significant improvements have been found for the AI and ATR, with a general decrease in plumb line distances.

Treatment consisting of bracing and exercises combined can be successfully used in patients who do not want to undergo operations for IS with curves ranging between 45° and 60° Cobb, given sufficient clinical expertise to apply good braces and achieve great compliance. Future studies could demonstrate the percentages at which this result can be achieved.

Published 4 February 2011 in Spine J.
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Dr. Morningstar
Dr. Morningstar graduated in 2002 from Palmer College in Davenport. He then moved to Grand Blanc, MI and opened his first clinic, the Grand Blanc Spine Center. A year later, he opened his second clinic, the Anchor Bay Spine Center, in New Baltimore, MI. Both of these clinics have now become the Natural Wellness & Pain Relief Centers of Michigan, one of the first multidisciplinary clinics offering comprehensive chiropractic, traditional medicine, pain management, acupuncture, anti-aging medicine, and functional medicine services in Michigan. There he serves as the Director of Chiropractic Services. Dr. Morningstar provides comprehensive chiropractic rehabilitation and functional medicine strategies for complex spine and neurological disorders such as Scoliosis, ADHD, and Fibromyalgia/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.