Rib length asymmetry in thoracic adolescent idiopathic scoliosis: is it primary or secondary?

Chinese researchers studied two groups of patients with adolescent thoracic scoliosis and syringomyelia. Previous scoliosis researchers have suggested that an asymmetrical growth of the ribs and/or arms can have a causative impact on the development of scoliosis. In this present study, the researchers looked at the length of ribs attaching at or near the apex [...]

By |2010-12-20T23:03:58-05:00December 20th, 2010|Dr. Morningstar, Scoliosis|0 Comments

Polymorphism in vitamin D receptor is associated with bone mineral density in patients with adolescent idiopathic scoliosis.

Vitamin D receptor polymorphism is a disorder that causes your body to not use vitamin D efficiently. This disorder has been implicated in a number of autoimmune and neurological disorders, such as Crohn's disease, multiple sclerosis, elevated breast cancer risk, and lupus. Now researchers have found an association between Vitamin D receptor polymorphism and low [...]

By |2010-12-14T12:01:54-05:00December 14th, 2010|Dr. Morningstar, Scoliosis|0 Comments

Muscle dysfunction and exercise limitation in adolescent idiopathic scoliosis

Researchers in Barcelona studied the impact of adolescent scoliosis on exercise capacity and lung function by observing muscle weakness in their group of patients. They found that, "lower limb muscle function is the main contributor to exercise intolerance. There appeared to be no connection between spinal deformity and lung function, muscle function or exercise capacity. [...]

By |2010-12-12T17:48:33-05:00December 12th, 2010|Dr. Morningstar, Scoliosis|0 Comments

Dr. Mark Morningstar’s Blog

This forum is for patients interested in learning more about our innovative ARC3D scoliosis therapy, as well as the Factor Integration Model for the treatment of Autism Spectrum Disorders, ADHD, and Fibromyalgia. Chronic pain patients are also encouraged to write in and ask Dr. Morningstar about the Manipulation Under Anesthesia (MUA) procedure.

By |2011-03-19T19:04:37-04:00March 20th, 2009|Dr. Morningstar|7 Comments
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