A safe, effective integrative medicine therapy using ultraviolet light as a natural antibiotic

UBI Net Result

The net result is that your immune system begins to target and kill these elusive infecting agents throughout the entire body. Treating only 100 cc of blood with UBI induces a whole-body response.

UBI Frequency

The amount and frequency of UBI treatment is typically determined by the disease or type of infection each patient has. Other factors, such as the health of the patient’s immune system, length of time the patient has been sick, and the severity of the disease being treated.

Additional Benefits

In addition to its anti-microbial function, UBI can help patients in other ways as well
  • It increases a patient’s tolerance to chemotherapy while undergoing cancer treatment
  • It improves blood sugar, cholesterol, and uric acid metabolism
  • It increases small blood vessel circulation and peripheral oxygenation of tissue
  • May improve environmental allergies/sensitivities in some people

Unique Opportunity

Unique Opportunity to Participate in Ultraviolet Blood Irradiation

Very few clinics offer UBI as a therapy. Our office is one of only 5 or 6 clinics throughout Michigan offering UBI. This is a great therapy for patients suffering from Lyme disease, autoimmune disorders, and chronic viral infections.

A Brief History on UBI

* Taken from the Medical Light Association

It is bizarre that as little we know about this treatment that was developed over 100 years ago by Niels Finsen in Denmark. In 1928, Emmit S. Knott developed equipment to perform the Photo-Luminescence process. Knott pioneered blood irradiation on dogs before treating humans. His first patient suffered from a bacterial blood infection (Sepsis). The results were astounding. The patient recovered rapidly after the treatment. Knott, working with Dr. Hankock, had great success publishing the results in 1934.

In 1943 Dr. George Miley published his successful results regarding his treatments of viral pneumonia.

The documentation stated that within 24 to 72 hours after a single UBI there was a complete disappearance of the toxic symptoms. The cough disappeared in 3 to 7 days. And that the lungs had cleared within 1 to 4 days.

Miley demonstrated that there was a decrease in blood oxygen in many disease states. He reported many cases of dying patients responding almost instantly to UBI treatment, some within hours.

The UV light’s biochemical reaction varies depending on vitamins and nutrients present in the blood. The light inactivates toxin and viruses, while it destroys and inhibits fungal, bacterial and parasitic growth. It also accelerates the lymphatic and circulatory activities, normalizing metabolism and glandular actions, while stimulating the sympathetic system.

After the blood is exposed to the ultraviolet light it continues to emit secondary emanations to the rest of the blood once back in the body, inactivating destructive pathogens deep within tissue.