Hyperbaric oxygen therapy, or HBOT, is a revolutionary treatment for many neurological diseases and conditions. Classically, HBOT has been used for fracture healing, healing diabetic ulcers, and carbon monoxide poisoning. However, newer research has shown the significant benefits of HBOT for conditions like autism, Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, cerebral palsy, multiple sclerosis, fibromyalgia, and as a complementary cancer therapy.
Dr. Megan Strauchman, medical director of the Natural Wellness & Pain Relief Center in Grand Blanc, is hosting a special seminar on the history, use of, and research on hyperbaric oxygen therapy. This will be the ultimate Q&A seminar where you can get all of your questions answered. Guests will receive a special gift for attending.
The seminar will be held on February 8th and February 22nd. Both seminars will begin at 6pm and run for approximately 45 minutes. The HBOT seminar will be held at the Natural Wellness & Pain Relief Center in Grand Blanc, 8293 Office Park Dr. It is located on the southwest corner of S. Saginaw St. and McCandlish Rd. One guest at each seminar date will win an introductory HBOT package! Seating limited so reservations are required. You may reserve your spot by calling 810.694.3576, or email the office at info@nwprc.com. For more information, visit their website at www.nwprc.com.