It’s official! I was informed last week that a case report I co-authored has been accepted for publication into the International Journal of Clinical Medicine. The title of this report, “Radiographic, pain, and functional outcomes in an adult post-fusion patient using a scoliosis activity suit: comparative results after 8 months” documents the curve improvement in a women who had Harrington rod surgery as a late teen, which subsequently lead to her having chronic pain and disability. Wearing the ScoliSMART Activity Suit for only 8 months produced some incredible improvements. Honestly, they are improvements you would have to see to believe. Specifically, a 59% reduction in pain, a 60% improvement in quality of life, and a 25% improvement in her Cobb angle! This is fantastic considering she had fusion surgery!
I am so very happy for her, and the things she is now able to do with her ScoliSMART Activity Suit.
Onward and Upward.