What is scoliosis?
Scoliosis is a spinal disorder resulting in an excessive, sideways curvature of the spine. It causes vertebrae to rotate, which creates a curve in either the upper or lower back. Spines naturally have curves, which round the shoulders and make the lower back bend slightly inward. However, some spines also unnaturally curve to one side or the other. These side-to-side curves of the spine are called scoliosis. When a spine with scoliosis is examined by an X-ray, it has an exaggerated “S” or “C” shape instead of a straight line. Other bones in the spine may also rotate slightly, causing an uneven appearance in the waist or shoulders.

Scoliosis is a common condition that often only needs to be observed carefully through growth years. Early detection is key to ensuring that the degree of the curve does not worsen. Advances in orthopedic techniques have made the relatively few cases that require medical intervention extremely manageable.

Most children with scoliosis do not suffer any physical pain from the disorder. So in many cases, the child will not even notice a problem. The spine may curve sideways; although in some cases, the curves are not noticeable unless the child bends over. Scoliosis usually develops before puberty, in middle or late childhood, but can be found in children between 10 and 18 years old. Small curves occur in boys and girls at similar rates, but girls are much more likely to have a progressive curve that requires treatment.

Early Detection Tips
Although only a physician can accurately diagnose scoliosis, it is important for parents to be alert for any warning signs. Many schools screen students for scoliosis, and school nurses or physical education instructors are often the first to discover symptoms. If you notice any of the following signs of scoliosis, schedule an examination with a pediatrician or orthopedist.

  • Uneven shoulders
  • Prominent shoulder blade
  • Uneven waist
  • Elevated hips
  • Leaning to one side